SynQR QR Film Leaders

Welcome to the download page for film leaders designed for use with SynQR.

This leader is inspired by the traditional universal film leader and incorporates QR codes that guide SynQR’s measurement algorithm. It features three counters for seconds, feet (in reference to classical 35mm film @ 24fps), and frames. The 2-pop is positioned 48 frames or 2 seconds before the First Frame Of Action (FFOA). The leader is compatible with both the American (Picture Start @ xx:00:00:00) and European (Picture Start @ xx:59:52:00) timecode paradigms.

N.B. You are encouraged to download, use, and modify this leader, with the condition that you mention the name “SynQR” and the URL “” in one frame. Additional versions will be released in the future.

Compatibility: This leader is designed to work with the app’s QR mode from SynQR version 1.2.1 onwards.

SynQR test files that are designed for continuous measurements can be found here.

Available versions

If you require a different format, feel free to send me an email, and I’ll be happy to provide it.

Use SynQR QR codes with your own leader

Download and embed the provided TIFF sequence into your film leader to enable convenient use of SynQR, with the condition that you include the “SynQR Logo for Leader.tif” in the first frame of your leader.

Ensure that the flash frame (-48 frames) is notably brighter than the frames before and after. Additionally, add a 1kHz, 1-frame long sine as audio pop.

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